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Professional Organiser




  •  Home Organising
  •  Decluttering
  •  Pantry Specialists
  •  Garages and Sheds
  •  Moving House
  •  Deceased Estates

About Us

  • SMART Organising works with busy families to declutter, organise and transform your home or office space.  We will empower you to contain the chaos and embrace only the things you need, use or love. We implement smart, aesthetic and maintainable systems to accommodate your life and routine, creating a calm, relaxed environment.

How can we help you?

Hi, I’m Ilana, Professional Organiser, wife, mum of two gorgeous kids, and former teacher, writer, editor, communications specialist, actor and theatre producer.

I’ve always loved (ok, been obsessed with!) organising and know first-hand how truly life-changing clearing out physical and emotional clutter can be.

I would love to help you and your family save valuable time and money, boost your productivity, and improve your overall well-being.

Get in touch today to experience the transformation! ✨


The SMART Organising Approach

  • Organising is not one size fits all! I provide a personalised, customised service that is tailored to your family’s needs, goals, and values.
  • I understand the overwhelm…And can support you to tackle it with an empathetic, patient and non-judgemental perspective.
  • I don’t just organise, I teach. You will be so inspired by your newly organised space, you’ll want to maintain it long term. With over 15 years experience in adult education, I can teach you how to do just that!
  • Decluttering and organising is a lot of fun! Sure, it can be challenging, hard work physically, and sometimes quite emotional, but there is so much laughter and fun along the way, and of course the unmatched joy of the end result!

Decluttering and Organising Services Provided:

  • Kitchens & Pantries, including Kosher Kitchens (*I’m the only Melbourne-based organiser offering this service*)
  • Wardrobes & Bedrooms
  • Kids bedrooms & playrooms
  • Laundries & Garages
  • Digital & Technology Organising
  • Paperwork and Life admin Systems
  • Office organising
  • Organising for Community Centres, Religious Institutions, and Schools

Organising Session Inclusions: 

  • Free initial phone consultation
  • Decluttering, sorting, categorising & organising
  • Storage products supplied as needed (and charged separately)
  • Complimentary customised labels
  • Light cleaning of the space
  • Implementation of smart, functional, and effective organising systems
  • System maintenance tips and education to prevent clutter accumulating again
  • Removal of unwanted goods for disposal or donation

Send a FREE enquiry below to get started.

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